Monday 17 September 2012

‘embracing these struggles has been the greatest privilege of my life’

Cameron  - 22 year old human being
It is difficult to summarise a life in a couple of hundred words. But I know that my story contains worth simply because I take ownership of it, and because in the end we all want our experiences to resonate with those of others- to live is to connect.
I have lived a privileged life in many senses. I am in my early twenties and have already been to five continents, have lived overseas, come from a well-off middle class family and am white and male in a culture which favours all of these things. Conversely two things that have been a struggle for me have been my queer identity and experiences with bipolar disorder. At high school, I remember sometimes crying in the counselor’s office, sometimes being called ‘Pheddo the Pedo’ but always feeling and being alienated as an intelligent, cultural and gay young man. Having spent some time in psychiatric hospitals to treat my condition, I have also come in contact with other people- those who society doesn’t care about, those who are medicated out of their existence beyond our collective eyes.
When I think about it, embracing these struggles has been the greatest privilege of my life. As I have learnt to overcome them, they have seen me probe into my understanding of myself, our society and the world in a way I otherwise wouldn’t have. I think I have therefore experienced life more broadly than most people ever get the opportunity to do so. And these struggles have also taught me about the importance of solidarity- solidarity with those whose stories aren’t brought to light, who are maligned, marginalised and neglected, and just as importantly solidarity with myself. From this basis I know that I am and will continue to lead life as richly and deeply as possible…

KISS Photo New Mardi Gras Fair Day

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