Tuesday 18 September 2012

‘Together we are strong’
I'm Soul Sistah Singh & I do the Right Thing !
I'm Black, Khush & Proud 'n I say it out loud!
This Rap I call One Size Fits All  and My Desi-Dyke Rap isn't just crap.
When I first came out didn't know a lot about the "Queer Community"
'n what it couldn't offer me.
"Come Out" they said,  as if they really cared
but me Mum I lost 'n they didn't care a toss !?
The Women's Movement seemed Cool
yet most times I felt a fool...
I was coloured too strong,
my hair was all wrong to my Culture I belong !
Hey, I love my clothes but there are those didn't like what I chose.
So, if you were not "White" then you weren't all right
If you didn't smoke or drink and said what you think
well, you're marginalized maybe objectified
I couldn't believe my eyes!?
Shouldn't have been surprised if we're Women & Black
we're under attack they think we're cheap
'cause we're the bottom of their heap
Yet they say WELCOME ALL
to us they call why can't they tell that it's really hell
to feel so alone and crazy to the bone?
'Cause to us it's clear they don't want us here
on terms of our own so we're disowned !
And everywhere I've been and all I've seen
everywhere it's the same
so, who've we got to blame...?
Yet in spite of it all I still walk tall
I've gained some great friends
and hope that never ends...?
Lots of fun I've had even when I'm MAD!
Yo'see, my Destiny is to set myself free...!
Black, Woman & Gay
I'm here to stay I'll share what I've got
'cause I know I'm hot !
We've all got lots to say even while we play
so lets work it out & not at each other shout...!
The real enemy is not all o' we
we need solidarity.
What resources we've got let's share with our have nots
this is the buzz help without the fuss.
We really need to see in our community
piyaar and care that's what we share.
Every one of us needs to be believed,
to give each other support is what we ought.
If we can get along and build a bond
together WE ARE STRONG !
Hurrah everyone my Rap is done!?

Copyright  © 2012 Uma Kali Shakti

All rights reserved. No part of this text may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission.

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